In case you are in an open relationship with the Saturation slider of Photoshop, there is a reason to congratulate you! Your reds are the reddest and your yellows are the most yellow that can ever exist. You’re a real champion! But you have to stop this. Like now.
British scientists have come to a conclusion that oversaturation of photos lead to deterioration of ones sexual life. We all want to avoid that, don’t we?
I know you’ll say that people like your oversaturated photos (read: “FB like”), but you have to stop it anyway! Because the “sharp colors 2018” research says oversaturation ranks 3rd after the “selective color” and HDR techniques in the list of shitty photos.
Does your hand slide to the saturation panel right away incautiously? That is no excuse. World Health Organisation says do not let your hand slide everywhere on its own, for your own safety.
If you cant help stoping over saturation practice, I have a good news for you. There will be a new state funded program offered to those who suffer oversaturation mania. You’ll be given a voucher for vaccine that you will be able to redeem at every supermarket.
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